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Edu Zeit Education Network

Edu Zeit Education Consultancy at New Baneshwor, Kathmandu is one of the Best German education consultancies in Nepal. They provide counseling that are based on nothing but facts, along with their connections with education and travel agencies to provide support in student’s recruitment and placements in Best University in Germany as students, trainees, Au Pair and forth.

The team of Edu Zeit looks after handling documentation of College application by students, arranging to lodge VISA for study in Germany, Accommodation and travel arrangements. They provide language classes, preparation for interviews, block account opening, student’s job search, language courses and Au Pair services mainly.

Undoubtedly, Edu Zeit is German education specialists and has a decade long experience with many students who have applied and studied at Germany from their channeled guidance and seamless services.

Edu Zeit also provide top quality German language courses be it exam preparation, A1, A2 Course, intensive B1 and B2 courses, with enough time for practice to gain language proficiency in German. Edu Zeit have academic programs such as German taught Bachelor programs in Germany, English taught Bachelor program in Germany, German taught Master’s program in Germany and English taught Master’s program in Germany. Edu Zeit can be found in 3rd floor Kusum Ganga Complex, Madan Bhandari Marga.

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  • Germany
Edu Zeit Education Network